Travel Policies
Downeaster Travel Policies
For a complete list of Amtrak Travel Policies, click here.
All Downeaster trains welcome passengers with special needs. Our trains and stations are wheelchair-accessible, allow service animals, and offer assistance when needed. Information (such as schedules and meeting documents) is available in alternative formats upon request.
- Contact Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) or 1-800-523-6590 (TTY) to request information in an alternative format; or,
- Contact NNEPRA’s Grant Program and Compliance Specialist by calling 1-207-780-1000 x104 or e-mailing to request information in an alternative format; or,
- Alternative formats may also be requested online by visiting or select Contact Us at the bottom of the web page.
- Interpreter services are available by request.